2021 New Year Blessing

May your year be filled with the colourful Joy and Harmony that comes from your abundant Rainbow Spirit within

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The Final Window of 2020

2020 Vision....? What do you foresee? How has your perception altered this year? ?⇢ ☼ ⇢ ♒︎ This is the final potent portal of this chaotic and transformative year: 12:12 Gateway 14:12 Solar Eclipse 21:12 Winter Solstice & Saturn ☌ Jupiter in Aquarius

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Sebastian’s Birth Story

11:11:2020 Sebastian Smyth made his rapid entrance into this world! Read more about my second son's birth story... Another ecstatic water birth at home!

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? ❖ Samhain ❖ ?

Samhain (pronounced: SAH-win or SOW-in (as in sow a female pig)), which is both the end and the beginning of the Celtic year in the Wheel of the Year celebrations. It is globally renowned through many ancient traditions as a time when the veils thin and we can connect with our ancestors and the unseen realm to ask for help and guidance.

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Scorpio Season

22 Oct - 21 Nov ♏︎ Fixed Water ♏︎ An opportune time of Inner Transmutation of our Soul and Emotions. Go within and embrace this force of nature.

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⚫ Dark Moon Cardinal Air Libra ⚫

16 Oct 2020 20:31 BST Reflections & Reverberations  The reality you create with your outward expression has the opportunity now to succumb to the invisible sound waves that are morphing our world as we speak.  A current of air moving the fabric of our reality. It is not just our literal words or actions that are impacting us. It is the breath preceding them, before the words are uttered. Subtly Powerful. 

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Autumn Equinox

September Equinox A point of balance. Equal Day and Night. Autumnal Equinox celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere. Second Harvest Festival, Waning of Light and we give thanks and enter the shadow of the Dark half of the Year. We honour this time to sustain us through the mysteries of the inner journey. The Sun God dies and the Wise Woman embraces us to learn about depth and power.

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⚫⇠ Virgo New Moon ⇢ ⚫

17th Sept 2020  ↔ 12pm BST / 4am PDT  When we truly see in colour, hear the resonance of tones, and feel with texture this reality is the most magnificent spiritual playground.  ?Many New Moon Blessings to you ? Feel into the following words, colours + textures. What do you find inside of you on this Dark Moon that is ready to grow? Awakening this ever-presence that guides you. 

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☥ ☼ • Fixed Fire Dark Moon • ☼ ☥ 

New Moon in Leo 03:41 BST 19th Aug 2020 / 19:41 PDT 18th Aug ?♌ ?  ‘The Creative Force that Seeds New Life’. This New Moon, can you be Authentic and Vulnerable? Can you drop pride + ego and be held in the dark unknown. Truly surrender to Death of Ego for a Rebirth of Creator Consciousness.

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The Funeral Games + The First Harvest Festival Lughnasadh aka Lúnasa or Lammas is one of the 4 cross quarter fire festivals in the 8 festivals of the Wheel of the Year. Celebrated on varied dates: 1st-8th Aug: Calendric date 1st Aug/ August Eve, Lunar Lammas is the lunation closes to this time in early Aug; and the Astronomical date is when the Sun reaches 15° Leo ♌︎  (2024 7th Aug), which is the exact midpoint of Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox. It is a time of Harvest, Celebration + a time of deep Gratitude. Preparation for the Dark. Reaping the bounty of your years' efforts. Connecting to your Hopes + releasing Fears.

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Aquarius Full Moon

♒︎ ○ Aquarius Full Moon ○ ♒︎ Fixed Air Moon opp Fixed Fire Sun 3rd Aug 2020 16:58 BST / 08:58 PDT A restless time, shedding a radical light on how you are living in alignment with your authentic self + the thoughts you allow influence your reality. What are you choosing to perceive? How are you choosing to respond?

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New Moon in Cancer July 2020

Cancer New Moon  20th July 2020 ~ 18:32 BST / 10:32 am PDT _ The second Cardinal Water New Moon ?♋︎ A second chance to remember the intention that you have come to achieve for this life experience. Tune in. Nurture + feel into these Heart intentions, let these memories form the bases for your waking reality. 

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Venus Crowning

Webinar Class about Venus Planetary Consciousness + Archetype Healing As Venus is crowned (reborn) by conjunction with the Sun 3rd June 2020 Due to global movements I offer this class FREE as this is such a poignant message for our times now. ONE HEART. LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS. BIRTH A NEW WORLD.

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Astro Energy Dates June + July

1st June to mid July Check out these wonderful high energy dates coming up for being aware of. I also have added resources to guide with these dates and online events Live and recorded to assist you assimilating this time.

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Venus Myth – Descent of Inanna to the Underworld

This is the retelling of an ancient tale linking to Venus as her form in Sumerian / Mesopotamia as Inanna and Babylonia as Ishtar I have retold this story and layered it with the Astrology we are cycling with for the current Venus Retrograde in Gemini and her Conjunction with the Sun (crowning/rebirth) on 3rd June 2020.

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Venus Retrograde – Triple Flame Meditation

Venus entered Her retrograde (Rx) journey on 13th May until 25th June. Enjoy this meditation / visual aid to guide you on your healing path as you cycle with Her for the 40 period.

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Scorpio Full Moon 2020

Can you feel the heightened fixed energy of earthy Taurus opposing watery Scorpio pulling you in for deep reflective transformation? Sun warming the ground enticing movement for the steady Bull to be the sturdy container…. Moon bright illuminating the mystical and secretive shadows for Scorpio to rise to its power and transform to its fullest aspect.

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Lemuria & Atlantis

Enjoy these stories - maybe they are just that stories - perhaps they trigger memories, perhaps they evoke strong emotions... either way we can learn from these stories based on the Elements how to balance ourselves / our cells and how we engage with our world!

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Healing with the Elements

Learn how to tune into the Elements within and abound that can alter your reality as you become a master alchemist with the elements.

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444 – Jupiter Pluto Conjunction: Astrology Class + Global Healing Meditation

Enjoy this Free Video class recorded on the 444 (4th April 2020) when Jupiter and Pluto aligned. Full Class video below including the 20 min Global Healing mass meditation that millions took part in.

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