Solar Eclipse 2023 musings

The eclipse is the most powerful luminary event in humanity, regardless of your teachings and beliefs - these events can be witness by the individual and opens feeling of connectedness. . Let the eclipse unearth the critical ways you speak about yourself, about your lover, your partners, your family and community. Watch judgement consume but only let it take what is not pure, be raw with that part of you. Be left with a clear sight of the healed path you are ready to walk on.

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Libra Equinox

The Wheel Turns, we dance with the beautiful mind and voice, bringing balance to our space with celebrations for Libra Equinox 2023 - As life lives through you, this Equinox be reminded to balance your perception of life, life living through you.  Refine your understanding of the music/energy around, for this is what shapes the beautiful expression you project out into the cacophony in our world - Truth is integrated shadow and light, harmonic Yin and Yang cooperating to evolve. Not eradication of one due to the dominance of another, cooperation - a process of working together, heart and mind finding solutions. 

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Venus Poetry

Poetic musings for Her 3 days pre Inferior Conjunction with the Sun and the Crowning Moment itself. “My skin hangs heavy on the bones Exhausted I accept my defeat I willingly chose this path of forgiveness Embracing the neglected aspects of myself In reflection I learn of their sorrows of my forgetfulness I am opened” ….

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Lughnasadh Cross Quarter Fire Festival

This festival’s name Lughnasadh/Lúnasa is also the Irish word for the month of August. It is named after the renowned Cetic God King Lugh (Lú/Lug). The entire month of August was both a celebration + a mourning time.  Celebration of the abundant harvest from the Summer just gone; of the congregation + strength of the tribe coming together to share their skills to reap the harvest in preparation for the dark winter ahead; and to honour the abundant joy that is disseminated to fuel the courage 💛 to keep the metaphoric light (spirit) burning into the upcoming dark half of the year.

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Place yourself in opposition to another person and feel that tension, perceived neutrally there is a palpable exchange of energy and awareness of varied consciousness. Does it make you react? How could you respond? What do you witness when in an opposing connection? It’s alluring, maybe slightly threatening and quite extraordinary! (Well, particularly if you are curious! 😉) Opposition Mars ♍︎ opp Saturn ♓︎ 20th July Sun ♋︎ opp Pluto ♑︎ 21st July

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Waves of Change

Watch the intensity rolling through the waves of our time. What a profound change humanity is experiencing - yet we cannot always fathom the impact a pause to reflect on this would do to us. To open the Heart Space, to allow that outpouring of Love to flood all we are connected with;

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Lunar Nodes into Aries

Astrologically, the Lunar Nodes have long been a celestial intersection point of most importance over the ages, especially as they denote the Eclipses. Astrologers were required to foretell of these occurrences and prepare the collective (or specifically in ancient times, those in power) for this phenomenon… So how shall we prepare?

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Light Language

Light Language is not trying to conform to a societal ideal or perception of “heavenly” language. It is the most primal form of communication... It is an instinctual response when opening to Heart resonance. 

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Venus Star Point

This reminder of the invisible phase of our Venusian Star as She prepares to shift from morning star to evening star - Hesperus, is to listen IN, and feel into this powerful shift as it asks us to Become the Harmonic Change of Perception, culminating the lessons of the Heart over the past 8 months.....

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Venus Star Point

This reminder of the invisible phase of our Venusian Star as She prepares to shift from morning star to evening star - Hesperus, is to listen IN, and feel into this powerful shift as it asks us to Become the Harmonic Change of Perception, culminating the lessons of the Heart over the past 8 months....

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Virgo New Moon Questions

☆ Hi! I’m back from my summer break with some musings inspired by the astrological energy of the Virgo New Moon ☆ Aligning with Elevating Virgo Energy: Utilise the Ability to Adapt to Changes + Challenges and the Skill to Discern when to Act on your Perception.  Disengage with Depleting Virgo Energy: Let go of Over-Analysing minuscule details to the Detriment of Function + Efficiency, instead ...

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The Ladybug, the Scarab and the Crab – Solstice Musings

Summer Solstice Blessings | Sun moves into Cancer 201st June 2021 04:33 am BST ☀️♋️??☀️ Summer Solstice, one of the 8 festivals of the Wheel of the Year. Known as a Quarter Seasonal festival, marking Summer (in Northern Hemisphere). It celebrates the journey of our Sun reaching its Peak of Light. Peak vibrancy. It is the longest day of the year. Triumph for the Sun ☀️

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Gemini Moon Solar Eclipse Guided Meditation Transcript

In Gemini fashion, I felt like writing out all the words to today’s guided journey for our Eclipse Ceremony held in The Algarve, Portugal.

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Scorpio Full Moon Reflections

Full Moon Reflections + Questions to ask yourself: Scorpio energy is about the alchemical process of inner transformation - not just the high rise of numinous flight, equally not solely the chaos + destruction that produces a new cycle... it is the transformation process in its entirety. Feel that. This Full Moon celebrate it in you. Celebrate the Yin, going within the feeling.

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Psychedelic Butterfly

In deep reflection this week as another year around the Sun passes and half a cycle since my second child entered this world a few days before the Scorpio New Moon last November. With the upcoming Scorpio Full Moon reminding me of those intensely transformative experiences - surrendering, birthing, transforming, evolving... I ponder the celebration of metamorphoses for this Full Moon: But first I share one such experience in reflection back to the New Moon in Scorpio last year.

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Envision a Light Beam

Vision Share: Envision a Light Beam and a cylindrical tube of glass surrounds this Light Beam.

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New Moon in Aries

Aries New Moon 12th April 2021 Ignite the Flame of unadulterated Spirit and Awe. Life is created in this image. Cardinal Fire - Aries: An energy that is often misused or misunderstood. Often only in its infancy is accepted and adored, dressed in the guise of its archetype the child is the easiest way to fathom such a force. Perhaps this New Moon is an ideal time to motivate change in you, to bring out a newfound alignment that illuminates your life to true form!

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Ignite Life

stop the war with yourself ... allow life to bloom in you ... appreciate the liberation that you are the one to choose when to end the war...

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Find the Truth

Full Moon in Libra & Venus & Sol musings: Eager to awaken and be a protector of the Truth, the valiant spiritual warrior rises. This time however, with Evening Star Venus in Aries, it has woken a wise warrior within. It is not fighting back with the same petty force that has become the conditioned method. There is a renewal of compassion and understanding of the spiralling cycle that is at play...

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Alice & Venus

Some of my more 'curiouser' musings from my lens of perception while transiting Venus joins my natal Venus: Alice Through The Looking Glass, came up as the character that I could relate to for this Cycle of Venus in Gemini and Aries. "Perhaps the eye that can truly see and observe went into a deep slumber. Or is it the other way around? Only when the conditioned eyes that you seem to perceive with fall asleep does the third eye awaken? Perhaps the eye that can truly see and observe went into a deep slumber..."

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