Divine Breath Renewal

Blessings for the New Moon in Fixed Air Take a moment to breathe and close your eyes. Listen beyond the noise, listen to the divine echoes within you. That is your truth.  9º Aquarius, New Lunar Year of the Snake, a 9 Year, Astrology and poetic musings.

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Liberate Perception

Aquarius Season is opening with themes aligning with Pluto’s Power and Regeneration of the Mind and connected perspectives. And with 🦅 Aquila’s Fixed Star Altair’s Higher Wisdom and Invitation to take flight from Within and liberate through Orphic states of consciousness that lighten up and shift stagnation.

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Astrology 2025 Preview

The astrological alignments and ingresses will be felt by us all, regardless of your awareness or not. These are the weather patterns of our consciousness and collectively we will evolve through them. Some will use this to aid their financial and social movements, while others will choose to protect their essence and be more mindful of their interactions for a greater purpose.  he coming months carry change and transformation - Pluto has settled into Aquarius, the North Node shifts ..... .... continue to seed these times with a Vision of Hope, of Courageous Radiance and of Merging Oneness. 

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Winter Solstice

The Sun moves into 0º Cardinal Earth, Capricorn in the morning of the 21st December,  marking the triumph of the Light / Sun. The Sun (Son) Reborn from the depth of the Dark Womb Time, with the Cailleach (wise crone) since Samhain.  This sacred festival celebrates the moment our Sun stands still and becomes brighter leading us out of the rest of winter and on through the year. For three days the Sun appears not to change, the days are short and the nights long and dark...

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Look North to the Head of the Dragon tonight that torques across the navy velvet firmament, guarding the gateway to the cosmos. Open the heart in alignment as Sol at 11°Mutable Fire ♐︎ links to Rastaban - Ra’s Ath Thu’ban - the Head of the Serpent 🐉 The third brightest star in the northern circumpolar constellation Draco.

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Pluto in Aquarius

Musings for the Pluto in Aquarius Age: 19 November 2024 until 2043 Pluto - the planetary archetypal dimension of transformation spends the next 19 years in the Fixed Air filter, the equatorial constellation Aquarius, the Inner Mind, the Higher Intellect. As more and more external calls press on you, how will you find yourself in the din? How can you ‘know thyself’ if truth is vilified and distorted?  20 years is a period of time, in a few days, when the buzz of the next story, controversy or trend cries out will you forget this invitation to reflect within first? In a broad perspective 20 years is a short age to metamorphose, but a quick time to hinder and suppress.

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Dancing Light of the Heavens

Luminary Musings: Today fused with our Soul 🌙 and Spirit ☀️we have the opportunity to align with the Dragon Dancer Alrakis. Full Moon at 24°♉︎ opposite Alrakis the Dancer on the breath of the Dragon.

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Veils of Ink

Poetic Musings for 15° ♏︎ Fixed Water Scorpio Samhain A peaking point that invites us to venture beyond the veils. “If that veil is to come down, what will you do?”

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Love Deeply

New Moon in Scorpio November 2024 Musings to align with the Fixed Water Lunation Love Deeply Fearlessly merge with the unknown Be empowered by your enigmatic kinship with all “Fellowship is found in vast relations with the anima in all things: people, plants, places and elements that remind you of the essence of all that you are beyond the liminal tethering.”

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Eye to Eye

Poetic musings on regeneration, attraction, pain and Love Written from my Sun Pluto vibes

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Solar Eclipse in Libra

To the wise doulas that have trained for this purpose: your compassion, partnership, words and prayers are needed now. Take ownership of what you can do to impact the narrative, guide the collective breath, be an example breathe with them.  Speak with serenity, and love, with courage and discernment. Choose how to see this emerging force, and how to hold the hands of many seeking guidance with the beautiful unknown. 

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I AM…. Dandelion

Perception is a beautiful thing.  Only you choose how to see.  Perceive the dandelion as a pesky weed when you are too occupied to remember that I am a beautiful reminder of how natures abundant healing joy prevails.  Perceive the child as wild innocence worth protecting and preserving in a world rapidly changing, for it is what will guide you when you are called to adapt, heal and remember. 

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Synergy Rebirthing

Are you feeling the Karmic Rebirthing of the Primordial Yin? Poetic Gratitude for a Sunflower Ceremony: Thank You for Amplifying my Fears, my Paranoias, my lack of Trust, my Doubt, my Triggers and my areas of Impatience. Thank You for Reflecting Discomfort, Suffering, Trauma and Blindness, Ignorance and the Innocence within the Collective. Thank You for Refracting my Essence, my thoughts, my emotions so I can see, understand and feel it all shining back through the Alchemy of Love, the Empowerment of Transmutation and the Grace on other side of Discomfort. Thank You for Amplifying the Vibration of Love, the Divine Resonance of Observation, the Healing of Remorse, the Compassion of Acceptance. 

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Aequus Nox Dancer

Beautiful Autumn Equinox Blessings and Love and Welcome to Libra Season 🙌 ♎️☀️🍂 0° Libra Equinox- Equal Night (Latin: Aequus Nox) the mid point between Summer and Winter Solstice. A time to reflect back over the Summer’s Peak and prepare for the Winter’s Depth. The Resonant Heart Voice sings for Life to Dance to.

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Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 2024

The Sun is opposite the Moon at 25°♓︎ Pisces Mutable Water - the spiritual experience, tending to the subconsciousness, the intangible and unseen nature of emotions, intuition and dreams moving one through life.  This is an opportunity to hold your own. Be buoyant in the high tides and turbulent seas of collective evolution. Be mindful of your own emotions, forgive your neglected parts of yourself, and dissolve your fears and frustrations. Ask yourself, is it really the emotion you want to or need to harbour now?

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The Storm

"A storm raged the coast...." Poetic imagery inspired from a rising moment in stillness and meditation.  Sometimes I don’t question, decode or symbolically try to interpret the visions and imagery that inundate my inner world, I fought to not alter the words to satisfy ‘a reader’.  ... Perhaps it is but a glimpse at love healing suffering and anger, liberated transformation evolving fear and escapism, and embodied presence in the remembrance that this can be found in the mundane as well as the fantastical. 

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Virgo Season

Happy Virgo Season! May Mutable Earth enlighten your Consciousness with a bountiful Cornucopia of loving growth!  ♍︎ Virgo  - Mutable Earth, Ruled by Mercury ☿ - Adaptation for Evolution - Take time this Virgo Season (Mutable Earth) connect with your body. Check on your nervousness, your nervous system and your hyper perception… your body can handle it all but what does your body need to manage in this life? 

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Algol Myth

Although Medusa became remembered as the serpent headed hideous gorgone, she was once the most beautiful mortal who served as a priestess oracle in the Temple of Athena. Let us not forget her origin story. It is said Athena was enraged and jealous that Poseidon fell in love with her, (High Frequency Consciousness came to her, she became enlightened) despite rejecting him, Medusa was exiled and cursed as a wretched gorgone who would turn those who looked at her to stone.... Oh the symbolism is juicy!

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Beauty Reflection: Uranus + Algol

Fixed Star Algol forms a triangular alliance with fellow dark feminine Principals Pluto and Lilith, its initiation activated by Uranus, paired with Mars, and reflected by the Moon in Scorpio opposing it this week.

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New Moon Conjoined Sirius

The New Moon is a call to rebirth and intend self reflection through a new lens. This lunation in Cancer with Sirius and a team of others, offers a profound initiation, one I hope you find time to nourish and tend to.  Be with the I AM, the creative Being of Consciousness, the Namelessness of Is-ness: I AM

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