Fixed Water New Moon

There is an opening of the birth canal between the spiritual and the physical dimensions, and an opportunity for a collective awakening to occur. Do the transformational work, lOve your shadow and mend the split in your psyche.

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Virgo New Moon – Lilith on the Dragons Back

“May the Goddess ascend on the back of her Dragon up through the Clouds, communing with the angelic realm, this journey assists the awakening of her community, altering the structures that define her home land so she can Bring the Light of a New Dawn.”

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Earth Consciousness Meditation

For this Virgo Season, I have added an Earth Consciousness Meditation for you to enjoy to tune into her powerful energy. This meditation will assist you in raising your awareness to the shifts of consciousness going on at the moment. Have gratitude for Mother Earth. Tend to your own Soul Garden. with Love and Gratitude

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Lion’s Gate 8.8

Sovereign Heart Mediation, Lion's Gate AstroEnergy insight.

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About Me – Timeline & Random Facts:

Here is a little bit more about me. A rough timeline of my life so far.....

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