Beauty Reflection: Uranus + Algol

Posted on: July 15, 2024

Date: 15th July 2024


Uranus Conjoins Fixed Star Algol with Mars at 26º Taurus, Trine Lilith and Pluto, with the Moon opposed in Scorpio. 

Primordial Rage Awakened:  Raw Desire Unleashed:  Kundalini Undulating from Tail to Crown. Chthonic Force Rising:  Uninhibited Love Reigning and Restored. 

Uranus: The Awakener, the Lightning Bolt, the Disruptor, the shake-up/ break-up/break-through, The Higher Mind, Collective, Freedom, Innovation.

Mars: The Protector, the Action, the Desire and Drive, The Manifestor, The Courageous Spirit, Assertive, Passion, Evolutionary Activator.

Taurus: Fixed Earth, The Body, the Vessel, the Manifested Form, Yin, Stable, Endurance, Slow, Tactile, Sensual, Sensorial.

Algol: Fixed Star Algol off the ecliptic plane is transposed to 26º Taurus, The Primordial Feminine Perseverance, Protects from Evil. Courage to Rise from Suppression, teaching moderation in the form of appreciation and respect. Some fear based teachings place it as a demon star linked to severing of the head, strangulation and decapitation, and violent painful rage, poison, feminine hysteria, uncontrolled female wrath. Algol is a reminder of the power of the creative void – that is a harmonic balance of equal creation and destruction. (read more on Algol the Myth of Medusa and Symbolism HERE)


“The dose makes the poison” – Paracelsus.


The beautiful mortal Vessel, with an awakened Spirit undulating from tail to crown is supported by a Primordial flow of the Dark Lunar Alchemy and the Transformative Depth of our far reaching Metamorphic Essence. This trinity provides the vacuum which the deep waters of the Soul Collective peer in and ReMember in its Divine reflection.



Fixed Star Algol forms a triangular alliance with fellow dark feminine Principals Pluto and Lilith, its initiation activated by Uranus, paired with Mars, and reflected by the Moon in Scorpio opposing it this week. Stirring the Primordial Rage, the Raw Desire, the Chthonic Force and the Uninhibited Love that endures throughout Creation’s infinite cycles.

We are called now to birth through the searing pain and euphoric elation a Becoming. Become it to you. Let the uncoiling serpents charm and evoke the twinkle in your Eye that seed this manifest reality.

Shake out the fabric that sheaths you by your threads of intention and expression, and review the mastery of this crafted existence.


Remember now. As they serpentine and beautifully sway in sacred formation. 


Rise from the depth of subconscious hiding and feel the darkness cloak and protect your form. As you walk amidst the Beauty, unburned, fear not the Shadows that support your Light in harmonic contrast.

Relinquish the anger and rage that binds you to lower tiers.

Alchemise with the oscillation.


Stride forth empowered in your Awakening Embodiment. 


Make use of that force of might to encapsulate the wisdom of the unspoken, to ward off the inner demons that plagued you and laden you to the benthic depths.

Feel the voided silent surges cleanse through your riverbeds. Undulating along the spine, reinvigorating the metamorphosis through reflection upon the inky glass, black diamond waters that still to remind you of the magnanimity and beauty in the darkness that you always infinitely possess.


Uranus and Mars Conjoin 15th July 2024 for the last time in Taurus (in our lifetime) at 14:50pm BST 

Uranus meets Algol for the first of three passes crossing 26°♉︎ July 2024, ♅℞ in October and again ♅ direct in April 2025


I hadn’t planned on sharing writing this summer but this one consumes me and needs to be outed as it marks a personal transit with Uranus opposite my ♏︎ Saturn and Conjunct my 12th House ♉︎ Mars, Charliko and Algol

Blessings and Love ❤️ 

May the energy of Algol, and Uranus Mars conjunction activate a courage of embodied wisdom and protection of your Sacred Essence.




Unfinished Personal Musings

I remember it. An inaudible sound that birthed from “my” throat and primordially annihilated it all.

~ I was less than 9 years old when I first witnessed that as a lucid dream memory. The past 12 years, since 2012,  I have actively worked with Lucid Dream techniques and many other practices and traditions to support in healing the fear and opening my eyes to see and my throat to speak. This Uranus transit is a welcome activation to assist this healing of my natal 12th House Mars, conjoined centaur Charliko (and Algol) opposing Saturn.

The hardest one to fathom and reminisce upon is the one I am called to now piece together. A dream. A memory, a thread of consciousness woven in my fabric. One I tried to forget or is always teasing me to remember. Either way drives me. The other Visions and Dreams seem to tame this one and support it, but this is one root that needs to be unearthed, purified and lovingly replanted so the Phoenix can soar and the serpents desire loving creation once more.


I seek to go back, Before the shattered pieces of mirror scattered and tore the skin. Ripping the fabric that swathed my Child.

Before, Uncontrollable Rage burst through.

Rewatch, as I destroyed it all.


Feel it again. Be with the discomfort. Gentle Heart Hold me.

Sorrow ripped me to pieces. Fear engulfed me.

Creative force met its match.

Alchemy was born in those fragments of shattered memories, lost in translation and mis-reflected truth. Petrified, frozen in density.

The blood spilt bore a new form of creation. A collective. Each shard to reflect the Light, many lost in the halls of mirrors and chambers of confusion, must one day find their way Home. Unified, as One Consciousness.

Searing pain, tearing the flesh from the bone. Rocky debris storming around in tornados…

Beauty shroud in shame, fear of the Self

The echoes calling and singing out…. “Hold it, through you we see” (2019 ♅☌my natal ☉☍♇)

Rock hard and cold, little particles

Density’s plummeting fall from Grace…


A Time of healing has come. The Perseverance to awaken to the particles en masse, that can See beyond the petrification, are ready to evolve.

Alchemy wisely states that energy cannot be destroyed nor created, only transmuted or replaced with something of equivalent worth.

See the worth and the beauty in every particle around you.


She walks among us. (this was her revelation that came to me in 2019 when Uranus conjoined my Taurus Sun Conjunct Lilith and opp Pluto.)

The frequency to perceive and embody Her is calling to unite. She/ Her is an essence of the Invisible (Yin) Oneness/Principal of ‘I AM’, that comes to us, through us, as fractals of One when we heal, alchemise and rise remembering – Awaken.

Beautifully we raise our hands and look up upon Her throne. We are made in Her Image and veiled in black to protect the Light seed within as it manifests.

Recollection evokes the sense of claustrophobia and the mountainous horizon could barely contain her. Escape was all she craved for, the surfacing memory was causing the walls to crumble around her and the fabric of time to quiver and spark. The intrepidation is exhilarating. Oscillation teetering on the knife’s edge.


What happened after the destruction?

So far, this is what I am sewing together.

She wept and mourned. The darkness consumed Her.

Her tears and blood puddled over the fragments of mirror strewn far and wide. Her Sacred Fluid became the healing balm that yoked Her particles in Gold.

She concealed the severed and brokenness that shocked and haunted her. Time must pass. Growth is needed.  She anointed the fragmented land with Her tears flowing like rivers through the cracks of Her Child’s Body.

As She breathed the serpentine Fire of Desire for wholeness surged and Light of Love echoed through Her – activating the Zaphaiya Dragon Lines to reveal themselves to the diviners when they could feel the Waters move them. Infinite figures undulating through the Heart Chambers ♾️

“Courageous Souls Awaken, Remember my Love awaits you eternally. Come HOME.” ~ O



The cloths cloaked the particles and threads upon threads of story sewed the matrix through its chrysalis tomb time.

Her own grief, anger, fear and shame dissipated and She watched. Learning. Developing through the Lives of Her birthed Alchemy.

Witnessing the growth of the reflecting energy from the fractals of mirror through the Waters. Crystals formed in the hidden depth, the Black Diamond was ready to Become Again.

From the depth She rose, the droplets from each embodiment of Her lifted up. The veiled reflections could see in the Dark Her golden white throne and the dazzling Love that was reflecting back to them the same posture of ReMembering.


It was an inaudible sound, (from that recurring childhood lucid dream memory) that erupted from the birthing portal of my throat centre, all I saw was the colossal explosion of the Body/Planet/Star Child that I had once formed, cared for and loved.
And now it is an unspeakable sound of Love that Holds me in the comfort of Embodiment. Wisdom Unlocked. Zaphaiya’s Ultraviolet Flame illuminates my Eye, Her golden balm, like sweet honey, soothes the pain in my throat.

New Pathways unlocked ….



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