The Storm

Posted on: September 16, 2024

A storm raged the coast. 

Waves receded to reveal giant rolling white horses galloping ashore. 

Cast in rumbling mammatus clouds in shades of grey, his muscular form roamed the Skies, highlighted by piercing white sheens of lightning that flexed as he came closer. 

Below the people scattered in terror. 

She stood with her feet gently sinking in the sand, unafraid. Somewhat waiting for him. 

Feeling his penchant searching for an outlet. 

Forgetful of what he was searching for, of what was raging inside himself. 

The sands pulled at her stance with the receding waters beckoning. 

Torn between worlds. 

Her primal instinct was to run towards the waves, and part of her did. 

She felt it all, coursing through her veins. 

Motion. Raging forces. Swirling. 

Heartbeat echoing and calling her in and expanding her beyond it all.

Releasing from her sprang the morphing spirit, the sharp sighted beast that danced with the white horses and occupied the ensuing torrents. 

And she waited on land and let him find her. 


The neon sparks of his eyes parted the clouds and his roar reverberated through her bones. 

She reached up to his hand that he offered out. 

In a still moment. She climbed up and they paused. 

Curiously he breathed. Remembering. 

Watching her. Tiny in his palm she stood. 

But her enormous heart held him. 

“I love you.” She whispered. 

Merging into the clouds.

He inhaled her. 

Unconditional Love swept through his magnanimous body. 

Embraced in union. 

She emerged in her own gigantic form, billowing around and holding him in a loving embrace.

At that moment, nothing else mattered.

All forgiven and healed. 

One unified force in unconditional Love 


They dissolved in force to reveal the radiance of Light 

Sun beaming in the Azure Skies

Lapping waves washing her footprints away

She strolled along the coast with the warmth kissing her skin, and the wind twirling her hair

Cherishing the memory. 

Embodying wholeheartedly. 



Imagery inspired from a rising moment in stillness and meditation. 

Sometimes I don’t question, decode or symbolically try to interpret the visions and imagery that fill my inner world, I fought to not alter the words to satisfy ‘a reader’.  I enjoyed it and it speaks volumes to me, without needing to rationalise or defend it. 

I share with the intention that it may inspire unconditional love to prevail. And that a reader does find their own sympathetic resonance in its emotive imagery.

I have sat with this vision for a few days, it has enthralled me. 

For the most part, this is the dynamic of opposition. Its force of attraction, oscillation with rage and wrath, fear and terror, magic and metamorphosis, softness and beauty and the absolute unity in the impermanence of Love. 

Perhaps the workings of Uranus in transit through my 12th House on my natal Mars ♉︎ opposite Saturn ♏︎ 

Perhaps picking up on the vibes of the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Pisces ♓︎ – Sun in Virgo (awareness of earthly mundane service) opp Moon in Pisces (Soul in empathetic healing consciousness) There is so much hope and beauty to come from this lunation. 

Perhaps the Ceres (sanctified sustenance) ♑︎ opp Mars (passionate evolution) ♋︎ script, Lilith (primordial yin) ♎︎ opp North Node (soul purpose) ♈︎,  or Venus ♎︎ (loving values) opposite Chiron ♈︎ (the bridge to mastery)….

Perhaps the divine glory from the Kite aspect formation with grand trine of Uranus ♉︎ (storm, awakening), Pluto ♑︎ (cataclysmic transformation, empowerment) and the Sun ♍︎ (ego, consciousness) opp Neptune ♓︎ (transcendence, clouded) for this week’s astrology …. Or just my sympathetic resonance with these evolutionary planets in aspect to my natal Sun. 

Perhaps it is nothing, but a glimpse at love healing suffering and anger, liberated transformation evolving fear and escapism, and embodied presence in the remembrance that this can be found in the mundane as well as the fantastical. 


Blessings and Love


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