Tend to the Flame
Posted on: February 12, 2025
Full Moon Blessings,
[musings for the Full Moon in Leo infused with some personal emotions and experiences.]
May life be celebrated,
the Light we hold honoured,
and the Joy and Love of this existence humble you with gratitude.
I cannot separate where my mind and heart are feeling at the moment, so as I write musing for this Full Moon it becomes part of the infusion.
As I write this, the moon is crossing a great Light, the Sun sign of my aunt. I have just returned from a few days in Ireland honouring and commemorating with family her fantastic life.
My aunt Emily left her body through a great portal while the North Node was at 0°Aries a month ago, making me smile at her grandeur that even in death she chooses “nothing but the best!” The past weekend has been awash with recollecting stories, reconnection with family faces and embraces, and closure.
On the plane over to Dublin, while preparing to say something for her ceremony, I wrote endlessly. Recounting stories from childhood, my teens and especially adulthood – while living in London with her close by, we saw each other often, her enthusiasm for life was powerful!
And I watched with heartbreak as the final years with dementia robbed her mind and stole the brilliance this incredible woman illuminated with ease and flare. In the end these stories were for me, to relive the joy of witnessing her, and the gratitude for the inspiration and guidance she radiated. It was the words of Ram Dass that echoed alongside the beautiful voices from her other nieces and sisters.
With her Sun in Leo, this full moon is a beautiful moment of reflection on what her Light represents.
Full Moon 🌕:
Reflection on blessings, celebration of a culmination, awareness of peaking emotional energy, release of surpluses, gratitude.
Leo ♌️ Fixed Fire:
A warm and blazing presence, Strong Inner Spirit, Sacred Flame, Beaming Radiance, warmth, hearth, loyal, creative, attraction, golden. Additionally, grandiose, majestic, opulent, egotistical, dramatic.
This Full Moon on 12th Feb 13:54 UT is aspecting 90° to Uranus and 180° Mercury, as well as 180° Ceres and 80° to Vesta.
Manifesting awakening in the realisation of polarity in the collective mind and soul. This calls for the awareness to sustain this evolutionary growth and initiate a virtuous tending to the Heart’s Flame that guides humanity in powerful unison.
An invisible force, yet an undeniable one, one that begins within. What you tend to – feeds your soul, influencing your mind and impacting the great radiance you emit.
It was Vesta that captured my attention – as one of the tightest aspects of this lunation – the devotion to Light, tending to the Divine Flame, the invisible essence that whispers to Spark the Heart. While Vesta is in Scorpio it is the Light that rises from the depth and darkness. It cannot be extinguished, it transforms and glows brighter.
Get to know the Fixed Fire creative essence that fills you with joy – are you devoted to keeping it ablaze? The love and happiness you get from your home and hearth, family and kin, from your creative projects or simply the enjoyment from basking in the unique beauty and magnificence this existence offers.
So in closing, this Full Moon is a reminder for reflection on what you Love? What makes you shine? … tend to that! Celebrate life, be the bright light that realises the gift of this existence.
Abundant blessings,