Solar Eclipse in Libra

Posted on: October 1, 2024

Solar Eclipse New Moon 10° ︎ Libra


A karmic rebirthing of the Primordial Yin.

A time to commune (pray and listen, speak from the heart and hear with higher perspectives)

Amplify with your voice the Love and Resurgence that is asking to be sung through this birthing portal.


To the wise doulas, you have trained for this purpose:

Your compassion, partnership, words and prayers are needed now.

Take ownership of what you can do to impact the narrative, guide the collective breath, be an example breathe with them.

Speak with serenity, and love, with courage and discernment.

Choose how to see this emerging force, and how to hold the hands of many seeking guidance with the beautiful unknown.

For those needing less poetic musings.

Below are the aspects for the Astrology forecast for the eclipse.

Thank you to those supporting my offerings. To learn more about the Eclipse Season here is my webinar for the eclipse season which goes into this topic in greater depth.



Join this FREE talk and Meditation to amplify the energy of our times now.



In this video I share the astrology of this Solar Eclipse and offer a spirited inspiration to empower you and how you can impact your environment with your Heart Voice.

Please enjoy with headphones, a cup of tea or sacred charged elixir to aid you resonating in the moment with your beautiful Heart. (cacao, hibiscus tea, your choice of herbal tonic, sun charged filtered water…. )

We open for the first 8 minutes with this song Shavorã -Tônguere

This gives you time to drop in and attune to your heart, call in the elements and your ancestors, your guides and send love to your family and gratitude for this moment to hold high vibrational Love…..

It is followed by a talk about the solar eclipse, infused with my intention to amplify your perception and create a massive ripple of Love through us to hold our collective, our community, our families and our selves in this time of changing tides.

We end with this delightful tune Anders Holte – Lemurian Home Coming (I highly recommend listening to this song this evening for the Solar Eclipse)

To learn more about the astrology of this eclipse season and a greater dive into the charts and large cycle we are weaving with please check out my Eclipse Season Webinar.


Conjunction: South Node, Moon, Sun, Lilith and Mercury in Libra︎.

This stellium is opposite North Node in Aries︎, forming a T Square to Ceres in Capricorn︎, opposite Mars in Cancer︎.


Kite: Ceres is the head of a Kite formation which suggests the lifting (rising up) of the sacred sustenance of Life. With Mars acting as the nurturing protector of this sanctified embodiment. Ceres Sextile Venus in Scorpio︎ serves the opportunity for the Solar Eclipses’ Ruler (Venus) to empower the transmutation of forgotten emotions, repressed feelings and suppressed worth. Venus Trine Saturn in Pisces︎ founds a trust in collective consciousness, ease resolving challenges that teach the wisdom of the intangible unknown.

(Minor aspect worth noting New Moon stellium making a 108° SesquiQuintile to Pluto in Capricorn︎ and 135° SesquiSquare to Uranus in Taurus︎. Manifesting Depth in understanding the prevailing infinite. Tension bound to manifest a result.


10° LIBRA︎ Cardinal Air. Sabian Symbol: 

A professor peering over his glasses

Knowledge is Living, Gnosis is Embodied Wisdom Shared.


James Burgess writes: “Developing the ability to share what we have learned. It takes grace and modesty to express knowledge as wisdom”

“Teaching as the revelation of Light”

Dane Rudhyar: A Professor peering over his glasses at his students.


Know your audience, how to impart the knowledge so they will receive the highest form of the wisdom.

The Heart Resonates with embodied knowledge allowing for teaching to guide others from where they are.



New Moon:


A new moon is a time of renewal. Marking the beginning of a cycle, the Moon meets the Sun a new seed planted, an intention heard and takes root, or initiation of a pattern.

Solar Eclipse is a new moon amplified with the unification of Sun and Moon, with it causing (partial or total) occultation of the Sun by the Moon. An exacting alignment of our Lights (Sol & Luna)


Libra – Cardinal Air: The Heart Voice that sets the tone for the environment to thrive in peace, discernment, grace, courage and compassion. Your perception governs your reality. Your words impact your interactions. Your prayers are met by future you on the other side of acceptance, remorse, forgiveness, courage and loving compassion.


Lilith: can be interpreted as pure primordial creation of cosmic energy. It offers a look at the  repressed psyche, or at the rejection of societal norms or hierarchy oppression. Representing a Dark Goddess, of chaos and wild instincts, and said to have birthed the collective unconscious. Lilith is a living cosmos unto herself. She is symbolised with her roots in the core of Earth Primal Force of Nature. Her Heart is twinned with her Light aspect of Cosmic Mother – expansive and unconditionally loving.


“I know you are always with me

I trust in you completely

I feel your love everywhere”

song lyrics Om Guru Om by Edo&Jo

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