Solar Eclipse 2023 musings

Posted on: October 12, 2023


Continuation from the piece I shared with the astro calendar last week…

As you can see this week is full of big energetic dialogue that will trigger in each of us. I have given the degrees of the signs influencing so you can check where these connect with your own chart. 

Venus → Virgo, Chiron opp Sun, Pluto goes Direct, Mars → Scorpio, and the Solar Eclipse. 

(A simple “how are you?” will not suffice)

The coming Eclipse is this SaturnDay 14th Oct at 21° Libra at 18:55 pm

This is the time to let it out, clear your energy, your body, emotions and your mind of negative or draining energy. Cleanse your space, your home. In the lead up to the New Moon we are shedding, so work with this energy to let go of as much as required. This is not Full Moon amplification, more of a surrendering somber that is required. 

As the New Moon is in exact alignment with the Sun (and the South Node = Solar Eclipse) we have opportunities to seed intentions and align with big calls for our own path. To face karmic debt and trust the movement forward. 

Hold intentions to support fated relationships to unfold. We are all related. We are here to support our evolutionary growth. We relate as a humanity. Be open to shifts holding the mirror up for you to see more clearly. 

Since the Nodes shifted into Aries and Libra, there are quests to witness and take action to seed the unity of humanity as individuals serving in this “me vs we” world, how can we envision this way of relating. 

Prayers of healing can be heard echoing as we all feel the collective pain and suffering mount. Prayer is always needed. Let it flow through you as a balm for the hurting. 

Do not neglect the relationship with Self, not your narrative, but the true essence of you.  The Great part of you that is humbled to be part of this existence. Tend to that relationship as the Soul eclipses the Spirit. Let what the Moon feels in this experience be seen and illuminated out of the shadows by the Rays of the Sun. 

How vulnerable can you get with yourself? How do you relate to this part of you? Can you let your I AM Spirit rebirth you?  What can be implemented in your life to support this magnificent and paramount relationship? 

Our Kin and Kind can coexist, these seeds and visions must first be planted in the fertile soil of our mind, and nurtured by the waters of our soul and waves of emotions we choose to sway with, encouraging our actions to initiate the creation of such ways. 

Heal first the relationship with yourself, the fertile soil is the temple you inhabit, love grows, let that impact you.

Let the eclipse unearth the critical ways you speak about yourself, about your lover, your partners, your family and community. Watch judgment consume but only let it take what is not pure, be raw with that part of you. Be left with a clear sight of the healed path you are ready to walk on. 

The eclipse is the most powerful luminary event in humanity, regardless of your teachings and beliefs – these events can be witnessed by the individual and opens feeling of connectedness. In these moments (if in Europe we are not to visually witness it like in the Americas this time but the metaphorical and symbolic sentiments can carry for most), moments of profound connection, impressions of desires, memories and regrets can surface to realign the initiate on the fated trajectory. Heal the pulling of your attention into the past or future, into over there and here. Realign. Be with the I AM. Love that reflection in All that you see, eye to eye. Remember- Love grows. 

Thinking of you and Thanking each of you for your connection at this time  🙏 

New Moon Blessings 

Love Danielle 


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