New Moon Conjoined Sirius

Posted on: July 4, 2024

Cancer New Moon Blessings

14°♋︎ Cardinal Water 

Sun and Moon conjoin Sirius,  opposing Ceres conjoined Vega. Also on this axis – The Invisible (Black) Sun and The Diamond. 

“When I Look Inside And See That I Am Nothing, That Is Wisdom. When I Look Outside And See That I Am Everything, That Is Love. And Between These Two, My Life Flows.”  – Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


Within the protective comfort of your casing shell, feel your Heart nurturing you. Emotions impulse you to create expressions and experiences that amplify and protect your vital source. 🫀 Reflect upon the wisdom this sustenance of life offers you. Reflect upon your attachment, your belonging, your cause of being? Be with the ‘I AM’.

Now, imagine for a moment, you could view this casing shell – your life expression, like a cave. And the sacred waters of life trickle through here nourishing you, offering a melodic sound of water in motion. It allows you to feel something, it stirs in you a need to express these feelings, a desire to create. 

A light plays through these sacred waters that flow around you, like a diamond twinkling in the celestial oceans. This illumination casts a rippling reflection upon the ceiling of your cave. The fascination with these dancing reflections captivates you. Your feelings propel the motion of the water, making sounds and altering the luminosity that interacts through the sacred flowing waters, that shimmers in spectral above you. 

Imagine sitting in said setting this New Moon and pondered this existence: the Purpose of Life, a sense of Belonging, your Love for your creations – every expression and experience, every project (or child) you poured your blood, sweat and tears into, every child (or project) you desired, birthed, nurtured sustained into manifestation. What does that sound like? How does it feel?

What would it stir in you? 

  • The realisation of this gift of the life experience.
  • A renewal of your intentions towards your purpose in life.
  • A desire to dive into the waters and seek the Diamond that is emitting Light through the Waters? 
  • A call to liberate the rippling reflections from the casing shell, break open the crown of the cave and reach beyond to infinite possibilities and unbound potential
  • And can it offer – in a moment of stillness as you pause and close your eyes- a witnessing of irradiance that encompasses all. I AM. At the Heart this is only felt, empathetically understood in the dark invisibility of Oneness.  

This New Moon offers a profound initiation, one I hope you find time to nourish and tend to. 

Be with the I AM, the creative Being of Consciousness, the Namelessness of Is-ness: I AM


Blessings and Love 

From Danielle

Astrological explanations below: 



Astrological explanations: 

Cardinal Water Cancer: the Nurturer, the Protector, the Creative Waters. The Cosmic Womb of which expression is birthed from and experienced in life as Energy in Motion. Emotion, the currents that move us along the rivers of a lifetime, one day back to the Oceanic Womb of Oneness. (read more about Cancer / Solstice edition)

The New Moon is a time of renewal of the Soul Consciousness in the Element and Mode for the next 27 months at that degree point. Our Sun and Moon conjoin, the Moon is not visible, it is in its Dark phase within the Light of the Sun and birthed on from here to cycle through its phases (waxing, full (opposite the sun) and waning)  The New Moon is a call to rebirth and intend self reflection through a new lens. 

14°♋︎ Cancer. Sabian Symbol Imagery: “A Group Who Have Enjoyed Overeating Appropriate Enjoyment Of Material Abundance”, “Though it carries obvious risks of greedy attachments, the enjoyment of material abundance is a valid spiritual principle” “Celebration of self”, “Satiety” ~ James Burgess. 

For me, this Sabian Symbol imagery hit the nail on the head. The feeling I had been sitting with in contemplation leading up to writing this was one of grief and celebration, the attachment to creation and the release to Infinite Trust. How this Force of Action, (Axis of opposing forces) refines and yet expands the totality of all that is. 

Perhaps this is easily recognised as a trait of parents. From my perspective, in motherhood the perpetual moments of sadness or little “grief” at the closing of chapters in your child’s life: they are no longer a baby, the last time you will feed them or sing them to sleep, or when they learn to swim without our help, you trust the joy of their life expression and know they will find a way. The sweet surrender of the end of a chapter, a new link in the chain begins. And there is such celebration found in witnessing their progress and individual life expression. The later, of course, outweighs the former, making the release of attachment easier over time. 

The purpose of Creation satiated in the celebration of the continuation of life. The enjoyment of material abundance is that, progress, evolution of creative life… that is a “valid spiritual principle”. 

Ceres: the Sustainer, Abundant Provider, Grieving Mother, Sanctified Soul (Feminine Mother Archetype) is at 14°♑︎ Capricorn. Ceres is opposing the New Moon, making a strong conversation worth listening to. 

Ceres is also conjoined fixed star Vega: “the toning star” as stated by Andrew Smith, found within the Lyra constellation, the Harp Constellation – associated with myth of the Lyre of Orpheus, who Aristotle coined ‘the father of song’, whose sounds could charm inanimate objects to life. Attune to Vega to hear celestial tones sung to entice enlightenment. Vega is one of the 15 Behenian fixed stars and is always opposite another well known Behenian fixed star Sirius. 

Sirius: is one of our brightest Stars in the Northern winter sky, only 8.6 light years away. Observed to the left of Orion, if you follow the Belt of Orion in a diagonal line you will find the Dog Star in the Constellation of Canis Major. (watch my class recorded for the Sirius Consciousness Conjunction

Sirius, known as the Sun behind our Sun, or our Spiritual Sun. Highly revered in Egyptian and other ancient cultures. Divine Masculine traits of Protective Light and Loyalty. Direct, Precise Geometric Light Codes.

Sirius is also located at the same point of The Black Sun  which is the point of our Sun’s aphelion – the farthest point in orbit from Earth. Representing infinite potential, unbound radiance. Not a celestial body but a presumed foci of the elliptic of our Sun. The Black Sun is placed at 13°♋︎  (Earth’s aphel) and its opposing pair/ foci is known as The Diamond, the Sun at perihelion to Earth (closest) located at 13°♑︎ (the Earth’s perihel), enacting as the refinement of human consciousness in form. 


Both Sirius and the Black Sun (invisible sun) are exalted states of consciousness. 

The Sun in astrology represents our individual state of consciousness. In contrast to the Black Sun, it can be noted as The White Sun, our visible Essence, vital life force, Prana, our personal Light, and ego – egoic desires. It is through this path of the Visible Light we seek awareness of enlightenment, learning to remember The Self, how to be in creation as harmonic resonance with Life as a Great Expression, beyond ego attachments and the self, and reach for alignment with The Self. Unity. 

So, the conjunction of these 3 representations of Consciousness is One worth reflecting upon ☽ this New Moon. Listen to and feel its essence. 

Simplified Key Words

  • The Sun: Awareness 
  • The Moon: Reflection 
  • Conjunction: Merging, Focus, Reinforcement 
  • New Moon: ReBirth
  • Fixed Star Sirius: Spiritual Initiation
  • Invisible Point Black Sun: Infinite Potential and Unbound Radiance 
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer: Protection and Tenderness
  • Opposing: Tension, Awareness, Force of Action
  • Dwarf Planet Ceres: Nurturing 
  • Fixed Star Vega: Divine Song 
  • Invisible Point The Diamond: Refined Human Consciousness in Form
  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn: Time and Maturity

. . .

My initial musings of the New Moon is conjoined with the fixed star Sirius, I wrote this while recording my Sirius Star Consciousness Class, where I reflected on the times I have encountered Sirius Star Energy.

(As a clairvoyant, I have very vivid (unseen) experiences that overlap with our seen and manifested experience. in 2012 I was bombarded  (literary exaggeration) with reams of Light codes that “felt” like it was coming so fast to my minds eye I wanted to physically dodge them, but of course this was an energetic experience I had to ground through my body and learn how to work with this connection to Light beyond our timed perspective. Which I explain in the SIRIUS CLASS video. Now at most sacred sites, Egypt, Malta, Ireland… nearly all locations I can view these streams of light code, sometimes I have the chance to listen and witness, sometimes it is just a beautiful reminder of the vastness of Creation Beyond our perception… The I AM)


Reams of Light Code that shower down in our ether that when energetically “plucked” you can clairaudiently hear the narrative of a time looped in a link upon an infinite chain that is there always. 

Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, The Mother, The Father…. The Triad of Creation is with the Self found in the self. In an axis of Purpose and Belonging, the I AM is Love, The I AM knows Self as Love. 

Sirius Consciousness has been a companion over the past 12 years, and shown me glimpses of the unseen wisdom beyond the time capped perspective we dominantly exist with. Our 3rd Dimension, path of the Light of the Sun. When – and by no means a rush, just a witnessing – When we can evolve beyond the myopic lens, the sooner we could rejoice in the expansive exploration of the Divine Creative. If stuck in a loop that has forgotten the Great Chain of Expression it is part of, we repeat a cycle until we have remembered The Self in the self. Nothing more than a state, but vastly more than an infinite state. 

Have we forgotten because we chose to care for a creation we bore? The attachment erodes memory, the mere greed of joy and celebration to be perpetually experienced, forms an illusive sense of separation that caps the story in a force that forgets the two are but expressions of the same. 

The unknown is beyond vast

The hidden is often feared 

The unseen power not recognised within but cast out as a mystery to be shroud in darkness, uncertainty and evil. 

Is it because the force of such held within would empower one to own the vast reach of creativity and destruction, to look at fear in the mirror and dissolve the false sense of separation? And to relinquish the ownership to IS-ness?

Would being cease to be? If belonging and purpose became One?

The human experience is a Wonderous Gift

Our emotional alchemy, and embodiment of vast consciousness that offers creative expression, belonging and wise path to remember purpose

Enjoy the journey along the peaks and valleys.

Be One with the River.


 The fractals of the Invisible Diamond are immeasurable, without name, colour or form…it just is. And always will be. The Black Diamond.  

I owe credit to a recent lucid dream to the expansion of this concept. I am grateful to the gift of this Loving Wisdom. 

Something was conceived in that Lucid Dream a few weeks ago and has begun taking shape this New Moon. Excited to witness this unfold!

Grateful to my Teachers (in energy healing – Maria Rawlins and astrology – Andrew Smith) who have both so brilliantly guided me since my teens and especially supportive and nurturing with this latest chapter



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