Scorpio Season

Posted on: October 25, 2020

Scorpio Season

22 Oct – 21 Nov

♏︎ Fixed Water ♏︎

An opportune time of Inner Transmutation of our Soul and Emotions. Go within and embrace this force of nature.


? The raw beauty of Scorpio energy is the part of us that no longer clings to the pretence or charade. Unafraid of deception – this energy is willing + able to feel below the surface; to plunge to the depths of darkness, soothed by the wisdom that allows tremendous soaring of energy ? to occur from within while surrendering to the layers of metamorphosis that have been alchemised ?



Emotions have become the greatest tools of deception we have learned to live with. Rather than being taught to (individually) feel their power within to enable us to each thrive. Emotional programming has become our norm – collectively colouring how we ‘should’ all feel.


Easy to witness how something like fear is used in society, projected on others in the form of shame, lack, disempowerment…

To be truly emotionally strong is to be in tune with your own inner waters – your intuition. To feel the tides move in you;  to see the colours of energy morph inside of you, guiding you on this path for this lifetime. Use this season with the Sun in Scorpio to enlighten this inner connection.


The greatest gift we can give to another, and to our children, is to empower them to trust themselves.


Perhaps this Scorpio Season we can really check-in with how we have individually allowed emotions to grip us? How do we face emotions like fears, shame, peace + self-empowerment? Do we indulge in the pits of suffering, do we reject, blame or manipulate? Or can we embrace its invisible spirit to guide us? Don’t be afraid of your intuition or your emotions. It doesn’t have to define you, rendering you stuck with an emotional disposition- they morph, they guide you.

After all – emotions are colourful signposts energy moving in us. One shade, tone or texture of emotion cannot be deemed better or worse by anyone other than the one being moved by it.

Just like art. Embrace the raw beauty of this ♏︎ season, let it envelope you, cleanse and reform something within you.



Have we not witnessed – this year 2020 in particular – the collective narrative perpetually fuelled by fear? Wonderfully, so many have used this as opportunities to transform themselves. Yet equally there are those who have accepted the fate served to them, drowning them – in fear, shame, guilt and suppressive submission. Disabling their inner wisdom from seeing beyond the illusions. The spectrum of this years impact has not evaded anyone, so no more blame, embrace the fears – “highs” and “lows” are part of the creative process

Let the energy play out in you with greater vision ? of the colours you are holding on to.

For most the typical words like intense, deep, witchy, lie detector, manipulation, seduction…. come to mind. It is one of those signs that is too quickly labelled and averted because it’s easy to pick on a powerful force. The thing is this energy lives in each of us, but we have been conditioned to turn these strengths into taboos, twist the truth and make something empowering become a thing feared and suppressed.

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