❖ Samhain ❖
Posted on: October 25, 2020
And the Great Wheel Turns …
Cross Quarter Festivals of Light – Samhain
Samhain is often celebrated on the calendar date of 31st Oct to 1st Nov. Similar to All Hallows’ Eve/ All Saints’ Day/ Day of the Dead – many cultures honour this time of year as a time to recognise our ancestors and those who came before us. Equally a time to renew our intentions and virtues to live by, to honour and protect the paths for ourselves and those to follow.
Astrologically, we celebrate this on the exact timing of when the Sun is at 15°♏︎, the peak point, or midpoint of the 0°♎︎ Equinox and 0°♑︎ Solstice
In 2024 it lands on 6th Nov.
Watch the free video class explaining the Wheel of the Year
Samhain (pronounced: SAH-win or SOW-in (as in sow a female pig)), which is both the end and the beginning of the Celtic Year in the Wheel of the Year celebrations.
It is globally renowned through many ancient traditions as a time when the veils thin and we can connect with our ancestors and the unseen realm to ask for help and guidance.
Please enjoy these links to connect you to other videos and posts I have done on my favourite time of year Samhain:
IGtv video briefly explaining Samhain
Samhain Class (slides) & Guided Meditation (and ritual/ceremony prompts)
Watch the free video class explaining the Wheel of the Year
It’s a time to reflect wisely over the past year’s ‘harvest’ or happenings, offer gratitude to the blessings that came to you and to light a candle/lantern to the ancestors that came before you to give you life. A time to let go and set free the chaos and burdens that hold you back, to chase out the ‘demons’ that plague you.
It is also the celebration of the new year, a time to set intentions for manifestation in the year to come- and what a special year we have ahead of us! We are on the cusp on a new dawn, so many waking up to their Light, their potential!
Time to trust, to surrender, to irrevocably change. Be the change for the better!!
At 15°♏︎ the veil between dimensions is thin, honour your ancestors and those gone before us. Honour the past versions of you, the skins you have shed that have held you up to this point. Honour the future evolution of your cells that are yet to be born. Honour this powerful portal of death and rebirth. Metamorphosis is our superpower.
Connect to the elements, the teeming life-conscious in earth, air and fire and, particularly this ♏︎ season, in water. Water is life.
Become aware of the undercurrents, the way of intuitive connectivity, the soulful re-membering that is enlightening now.
This bridging of the In-Between is most strongly felt at these times of year (Samhain, Imbolg, Bealtaine and Lughnasadh- equally the Eclipses are an “in-between” time. Honour your capacity to carry your oceanic oneness into the power of your individual droplet of consciousness. You can alchemise, transmute and shape-shift through the power of your consciousness- feeling, memory, E-motion (energy in motion), fluid grace in all things infinitely connecting all.
Perhaps the mind and body choose to hold the limited perspective, perhaps the frozen and stagnant emotional states are not ready to thaw and purify to its holy state – there is wisdom and learning in all paths of expression.
This prolonged state of “in-between” is powerful. So lean into this reverence of all you are capable of. Surrender to your vulnerability, these days leading up to Astrological Samhain are considered the death portal. Let it go. With respect, fully give it to Kali, let it be transmuted in the eternal flames and alchemised to be reborn from the womb of Imma Illah, the Cosmic Mother’s Waters.
The seeds you sow in these fertile, in-between spaces that are fostered to be rebirthed, that are loved and nurtured through the Dark half of the Year, will be the fuel that grows you into the Dawn of the Light in Spring and carries you to Liberate your Heart when Consciousness reaches a point of ascension.
I recommend celebrating this time with a simple candle lighting ceremony for each of your ancestors or family members or for those who have recently crossed over from physical incarnations.
Writing out what you are ready to let go of and surrender and throwing it into a fire. Join me at my Cacao and Fire Ceremony .
Taking time to be in silence, stillness and perhaps darkness of the early hours before dawn, this can be a wonderful time of reflection with yourself and to strengthen yourself in the depth of your inner Love.
Watch the free video class explaining the Wheel of the Year