Matrix Rebirth

Posted on: April 8, 2024

She stood on the checkerboard. Radiating Pure Loving Light.

Reaching out to embrace Her wounded children, even the defiant ones that threatened Her and Her MAtrix.

Her Golden White Light Illuminating out like a dress, skirting around Her, consuming the black and white board.

Each wounded aspect healed as they were enveloped in Her Light. Lilac Rays, Ultra Violet frequency transmuted it all into the Voided Darkness of Her Womb.

Speaking to the combative aspects “Nothing can harm me or eradicate me, I AM Here now. I see your pain. Slumber and hiding long enough. Come now Child. I Love you.”

Through Her, Birthing New Creative Expressions, Golden Iridescent Light Forms exit the Mother Vortex and flow on to continue holding her Loving Presence.

Golden Magma fused the cracked fractals of mirror.

A Vision of Connectedness.

A Reflection of Light.

Looking through the Prism Seeing Light in All.

Musings inspired by one of the visions that coloured my mind’s eye as I sat in collective meditation for the Eclipse.

Additionally, the Sabian Symbol for 19°♈︎ where the Sun, Moon and Chiron conjoined is :


“Being innocent and fearless in love”

Nourishing innocence, acts of kindness. Without the harsh and cruel consequences we are unable to learn of Love’s unconditional depth. Find moments to continually express Love, fearlessly express it. Feel its radiance expand.

What a powerful unfolding of Compassion.


#solareclipse #sabiansymbols #love

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