Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 2024

Posted on: September 17, 2024

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

18th September 2024 03:34am BST

(Reflect back to patterns from 7 September 2006. Equally but more recently, progression from 21 March 2023 and 10 March 2024.)

The Sun at 25°♍︎ Virgo Mutable Earth – the life experience, tending to living in physical manifestation, dexterity with the body and all one digests that nourishes this existence. 

The Sun is opposite the Moon at 25°♓︎ Pisces Mutable Water – the spiritual experience, tending to the subconsciousness, the intangible and unseen nature of emotions, intuition and dreams moving one through life. 


I share a video about the Sabian Symbols and deeper aspects of the astrology of the Eclipse and the broad spectrum opportunity this heralds for us as a collective in my Autumn Eclipse Class


The Full Moon amplifies the soul’s process of a given experience or emotional pattern. It brings fruition or a sense of fulfilment, so one can reflect on the abundance or prosperity that has come through the fruits of their labour, equally a time to release what hasn’t served as beneficial and let the over spill be surrendered. Being mindful of the emotional turbulence that can be stirred up at this time. 

So a time of reflection, gratitude and release. 

A lunar eclipse is when the Full Moon occurs close to Lunar Nodes and therefore has more accurate alignment making the Full Moon energies even more amplified. When the Sun is opposite the Moon, Earth is in between, providing a shadow cast on the Moon’s surface, or when a total lunar eclipse, it is a complete occlusion of the Light of the Moon (this is not the case for this lunation). 

It is the Earth that casts the shadow on the reflection of Light on the Moon. Symbolically we can interpret this as the shadow of humanity highlighted and projected on a big screen for all to see. 

The Sun is Spirit, or awareness of being an energy, a creative consciousness, an ego. 

The Moon is Soul,  a mirror reflecting the fragments of humanity’s (or one’s) existence, an emotional barometer, the reminder of what Soul calls for nourishment, it requires cyclical processing of vulnerable beginnings, growth, peaks, learning and dissemination to completion and endings.  

The exact alignment causes a metaphorical glitch. A moment to feel incredibly whole, instead of fragmented – alignment of Spirit, Embodied, Soul. Which for some is overwhelming for some is blissful. 

That can also offer an opportunity to break the yang or direct force of awareness (ego) so the yin or softer reflective nature reveals growth opportunities for the Light to shine into. 

Think of the full moon as a time where all the lights are on and you can see from many directions. This can be overwhelming, overstimulating, intense awareness and high sensitivity to your own emotions and to that of others. (now you have this awareness what would you do to support yourself before going into a potentially overstimulating situation?)

With this all happening in Pisces, one of the more intuitively sensitive signs, this time can feel quite full of feelings. Empathy is a gift, only a strain when you have not tended to yourself and not bolstered your boundaries. Use it as a reminder to offer bolstered empathy and attune to emotional awareness and greater connection to the larger ebbs and flows of collective consciousness. Not necessarily a time of big action. But compassionate feeling and witnessing. 

A time of healing the shadows cast from the collective subconsciousness. 



Note your own feelings, the surface ones, and the ones lurking in your hidden vulnerable closet. 

Love them and imagine each feeling, emotion or memory as children that want to be loved but are hurting and seeking someone with greater maturity, empathy, compassion and emotional courage to make the first move of helping them integrate back into the life that has neglected them, hidden them and demonised them.

Simply recognise this practice and what it purges in you, then leave it and tend to your body. Go for a walk in nature, along the coast. Do some exercise or eat a nourishing meal. Indulge in a salty bath. 

Later, that evening or another day, sit and reflect on a prayer, intention or dream for humanity, for your reality and for your kin. An integrated Soul can hold an infinite amount of care and serenity for themselves and others. 

Know that your heart beats and emits an electromagnetic wave, this sends a current out and interacts with your reality. You make a difference and you are impacting your reality. Send Love out. 

Affirm: I am Love. I am Loving, I am Loved.  I am safe, I honour my life, I protect my worth.  I believe in ….. (peace, Love, respect, beauty, courage, creativity, joy…..)

Repeat the practice if needed throughout the Eclipse Season. 


Join my Eclipse Class

The Kite of the Lunar Eclipse, Grand Trine Uranus, Pluto and Sun, Sun Opposite Neptune + Moon. 

The Grand Cross of the Lunar Nodes and Mars opposite Ceres




Additional Reflections for this Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse:

If you were not in direct harm, in an area of warring impact, under immediate physical distress
or disaster, then this Full Moon does not have to be about indulging in immature emotions, unintegrated wounds or superficial dramas, by all means use the memes and humorous sarcasm for bonding to tether you in unison with others, but do not neglect the call to integrate our shadows, open our hearts, and align our minds and spirits.

This is an opportunity to hold your own. Be buoyant in the high tides and turbulent seas of collective evolution. Be mindful of your own emotions, forgive your neglected parts of yourself, and dissolve your fears and frustrations. Ask yourself, is it really the emotion you want to or need to harbour now?

See yourself as part of a collective in an opportunity to heal beyond yourself, a chance to expand in unconditional love.
Let the hidden aspects of the collective subconsciousness that plague our societies be revealed and held in safety of emotionally capable empathetic people – lovers, parents, children, friends, neighbours, healers, creatives, teachers, musicians, writers, dreamers. 

During this eclipse season between the Pisces Full Moon (18th Sept) and the Libra New Moon (2nd Oct), we have an opportunity to transcend and heal – for ourselves and for the collective.

We have an opportunity to prove that we can be buoyant, that we can transcend just like the lotus flower from the muddy depths. 

It rises through the water to reach the surface and reveal its spectacular beauty.
And it is not afraid to retreat back into the depths of darkness and be with the vast infinite subconsciousness.

That is the healing opportunity of alignment – Sun, Earth and Moon

The Libra New Moon, Solar Eclipse, offers an opportunity to put out heart aligned resonance.

What do you want to see in the world? 

Your mind has a chance to shape, to balance, to reform, in beautiful ways. When mind and heart are one, the voice is resonant, harmonic and attracts its desires. It attracts serenity, peace and has the capacity to govern in love. 

In its simplest form, this eclipse season is about empathy and healing, about prayer and about courage.


Our unity as a One: A Spirit embodied
And as a One: A collective of humanity 


The Pisces Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse heralds the beginning of the shift with the lunar nodes.
In early January 2025, the lunar nodes – markers of dharma and karma, purpose and evolutionary lessons – will shift from Aries and Libra into Pisces and Virgo. So, this marks the beginning of an 18 month journey. The journey of Service, service to life the physical embodiment, and service to the subconsciousness, and the capacity of transcendence of the soul.


The Libra New Moon, Solar Eclipse, draws us towards the end of the Aries and Libra lunar axis. What has this taught us?

This is reminding us to be mindful of our perceptions, of our partnerships and alignments of our choices and of our words. 


For our perception creates our thoughts.

Our thoughts inspire words. 

Our words provoke actions.

And our actions shape our realities. 


Heal, heal the soul, heal your emotional capacity for empathy, compassion and your ability to dissolve the illusion of false or superficial reality. Practice pausing before trying to escape your shadows, face your reality, with your heart open and courageous. Set the tone, speak your truth, govern your existence with heart and mind resonance – with soul and body unified.


Whatever your beliefs, whatever your practice is…. Surely, this isn’t a time for ignorance, feeding into the superficial social dramas and propaganda that seek to blind you from your own worth and poison your heart. 

Do you have hope? What are your desires and dreams? Do you have love for your family, friends, community and the population at large? How far does your Love reach? What are the conditions and limitations you place on this extension of your abundant nature?

It’s not about comparing fighting over opinions. It’s not about warring between one side versus the other. It is about merging. Merging because you have hope, you have faith, you hold love beyond yourself, for others.

So, once you’ve finished enjoying the amplification of emotion, and perpetuating, feeding on its soul poison, once you have acknowledged the challenges that reality can bring, and validate those feelings with integrity or compassion. 

Drop a little deeper and then drop a little deeper again, feel the depth of your capacity to awaken and transcend. Be aware of the dexterity of your capacity to tend to this life and while not being lost in it, flailing with a sense of abandonment. You are not abandoned – you have just forgotten yourself. Greet your emotions you hide in your closet,  work towards integrating wounds and the emotional residue from traumas of your past. 

Dig a little deeper. Have faith in yourself. Lift yourself up and hold space for humanity. Be an embodiment of one who is practising and in service to your life. Be a living example. 

Open your heart for humanity. For this may be just one moment in your life, one small grain of sand, one tiny drop in the ocean, one twinkling star in the night sky. But that one grain of sand doesn’t belittle its place in the shore, that one drop in the ocean knows Its expanse and union with motion, and that one twinkling star in the sky, knows that it offers hope for one that seeks beyond the darkness and calls out in faith. 

Make a difference, small acts of kindness, or a simple moment to hold space for someone beyond the superficial. Hold your own and open your heart for All. You make a difference, your energy impacts All. 

Blessings and Love


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