Eye to Eye
Posted on: October 26, 2024
Eye to eye
I crave to see you
In darkness you always find me
The depth of deep pools you confront me
Undoing all that once was
Through epic destruction I have met you
Ripped apart in vulnerability and pain yet
United in a powerful attraction of the deepest Love
Our meetings are so magnetic I fear it
Is too seductive to ignore
An intense lust
Consumed to the point of sweet raging surrender
Blasted apart broadening the reach
Evolving the depth that this bond intensifies
A thinning dimensionality
Liminal Stimulation
Lucidity beyond one time
So close to touch yet not to be held in ways I am limited to now
Where will you take me the next time?
I wait, in the allure of a vessel
Rebirth me
This Scorpio season brings out all my favourite themes of Regeneration.
With 3 natal oppositions in Scorpio and Taurus, it is too attractive and energy not to write about!
Written as the Sun transited 3°♏︎ opposing my natal Sun at 3° Taurus (conjunct Lilith) ☍ opposite my 3° Scorpio Pluto – provoking my yearning to shed skins once again. Bring on the transiting Pluto Square in a few months, nothing to stay the same, all fears to be obliterated and my body recoded, a worthy ecstatic existence.
… I’ll add, this is my way of making peace with a darkness that has consumed me many times before. And I am in no doubt will come for me again. But I crossed a threshold 8 years ago of the ultimate death and rebirth and it was ecstatic and grounded me wholly in my body, I learned that in an unwavering trust is a divine intelligence, transformative beautiful creative power comes through letting go. So, I am glad of the attraction this energy pattern has shown me, as it has not always been.
The pain of existence is an acquaintance that walks with me.
Resistance to oscillation, yet the absolute desire to completely create and obliterate, both too beautiful to abstain from. For the pain of being and the depth of Love are too entwined I cannot release my attachment. Ecstatic Bliss sealed me in a body and a path, I adore too much I cannot fathom letting go.
And so pain holds me. Pain becomes me. And through that, an immense Love rises. Becoming a witness of an oscillation between Love and Pain, Fear and Liberation, sensual indulgence and detached transcendence.
A nothingness ensouled in a something-ness, writhing and bubbling through an intense alchemy of Love.
The most devastating thing is the inability to realise that is enough.