Divine Breath Renewal
Posted on: January 29, 2025
Blessings for the New Moon in Fixed Air
Take a moment to breathe and close your eyes. Listen beyond the noise, listen to the divine echoes within you. That is your truth.
🌑 Aquarius 9°♒︎ Sun and Moon align and mark the New Lunar Year in the Chinese Calendar → The Year of the Wood Snake. In a 9 year, its the first New Moon of the Gregorian Calendar Year 2025.
Aquarius ♒️ Inhale, Listen, Rewire the Mind and centre with the Divine Mind, recalibrate the frequency you carry that imbued the cellular system and births your reality.
Sabian Symbol: 9º-10º Fixed Air: “A Popularity that Proves Ephemeral. Remaining humble with momentary fame and illusory fortune.” Ideals and archetypes are projections of the psyche, a human carries so much more in the beauty of its imperfections, flaws and the ability to be more than an ideal. Find the vulnerability to look within and become
Snake:🐍 Mystery, Tolerance, Transformation, Passion, Initiation, Creativity, Introspection, Growth, Renewal, Patience
A 9 Year: 2+0+2+5 = 9. The Hermit
9️⃣ Altruistic Evolution, Completion, Selfless Fulfilment, Wisdom through Renewal
The Nectar is there to Drink In if you choose to see beyond the veil of time and amnesia.
Value Privacy and Turn Within as the Skins are Shed for Renewal. There is more to what meets the eye.
Remain Calm and Silently Adapt through vulnerability.
The Loving Witness, Acceptance, Forgiveness → Enlightenment, Evolution, Connection
A deluge pours,
the renewal of consciousness
the vessel readies to set sail
carried on the breath of Ruach
winds change
the space within charged
multiples, yin and yang
spiralling like the grapevine
pairs of expressions, around the column
encoded with the Breath of Life
soaring with Hope
until the reformed Land is willing and ready
The Renewal of Soul Consciousness
New Moon Blessings
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, switching off my external senses.
I find it within.
This magnetic undercurrent pulls me in.
No words can encapsulate it.
I cannot extrapolate an appropriate description.
No sound,
and yet everything, everything is there – connected.
Mesmeric, electric, precarious and yet deeply comforting.
This New Moon I crave to be engulfed by the Eternal Silence that hears beyond time and space.
Cradled in the Divine Womb and hummed into existence. I open my eyes and see
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