Astrology 2025 Preview

Posted on: January 6, 2025


Thank you for joining the presentation Astrology Preview 2025. 

Below is a recap and reminder as well as some links and a playlist for you to enjoy!


Enjoy the recording and the presentation slides and list of dates for quick reference to note in your diary for the months to come. 

Cross reference the astrological degree and sign with your own chart to check what dates will most impact you personally, not just collectively. Noting what house these celestial occurrences land in can allow you to language and action the response you can take to make the most of this opportunity or challenge. 

If the degree of a planetary alignment or noteworthy date lands on your Sun, Moon or Ascension (or other planets) it can make a significant initiation for you on a deep level. 

Those proficient with astrology can also note the oppositions, squares or trines too. 

When re-watching the recording, seek out placements of astrological points on your chart that are significant for you:

For example: 

Check on your chart where the Venus Star Point at 2°♈︎ Aries falls? Is it close to a planet? What house is it crowning in for you? 

This all creates an energetic dialogue that will play out for you – the reasons to preview these are to consciously respond and align with a more opportune frequency and not blindly get led down a path that challenges you more than required. 

(The Venus Star Point is a significant area in your chart worth checking, due to the Zero Aries Point that is so prominent with the Equinox, The Nodal Shift ♓︎→♈︎ and the Neptune ☌ Saturn conjunction at 0°♈︎ )

A further look: Squares and Oppositions: Do you have anything at the first few degrees 0°- 5° of Cardinal Signs (Aries ♈︎ , Cancer ♋︎, Libra ♎︎ and Capricorn ♑︎) or the last few degrees of the Mutable Signs: 26°- 29° Gemini ♊︎, Virgo ♍︎, Sagittarius ♐︎, Pisces ♓︎)? Take heed and remain present with your decisions and actions – align your mind with LOVE, radiate your TRUTH, attract your harmonic resonance into reality. 

The astrological alignments and ingresses will be felt by us all, regardless of your awareness or not. These are the weather patterns of our consciousness and collectively we will evolve through them. Some will use this to aid their financial and social movements, while others will choose to protect their essence and be more mindful of their interactions for a greater purpose. 

So, as you choose to live more consciously, then you can awaken and decipher how to impact the path you walk along with the collective. 

Rather than being a victim to a bigger body of humanity or society – you are an active witness, choosing how to harness frequencies and harmonics through your instrument that greatly enhance your vitality and influence authentically by radiating your Truth. 

We need more Spiritual Warriors to be the bobbing lights in the raging waves of chaos and awakening consciousness as we usher the Dream into Reality. Especially as Neptune dances across the cusp of Pisces to Aries, aiding the acclimatization for the 14 years to come that offers a dissolving of the ego and the readying of protection of human transcendence (rather than the blinding of our faith and losing the head in a virtual reality that further disassociates the pure spirit we are all seeking to remember and awaken as. 


At various points like the New Moon, the Venus Gates or the Wheel of the Year dates reflect on your intentions that you make now. Remind yourself often of your WORD. Let that frequency reverberate in your field and grow and glow to attract it into being. That is true manifestation. 


(Last New Year, I was asked for my “word of the year”, without forethought I said I AM DRAGON…. That came out of me and took me by surprise – so I uttered it often to inquire from it what this statement or word was to call forth from me. It birthed the Way of O, in August I began a Pilgrimage with the Draco Constellation stars that has led me on a deep journey of self inquiry and radical awakening.) I share this to empower your connection to the WORD and Intention you set this year…. Recite it often and let it permeate into your existence. 

The coming months – 2025 – offer strong themes of Fire and Air… Speed and Flight. Know yourself so that you do not falter when the pace quickens and you are asked to take a leap towards your TRUTH

Safeguard your Spirit, your Pureness, your DNA, your Memories, your vision and your Intuition – your pure authentic self is capable of shining through, shedding the old skins and rising beautifully with wisdom and compassion. 



Watch the Recording with your birth chart and your diary to hand to make notations. 

Enjoy this playlist of a few songs I am compiling for the year to go with my own intentions “I AM TRUTH” 

and an inspirational Verse from the Book : The Radiance Sutras by Lorin Roche. 

“The real sacrifice

Is to let your sins be destroyed

By the vast power of the universe.

It is to live in radiant bliss.

Senses dissolve, mind dissolves, 

The objects of sense dissolve, 

Even the void is dissolved. 

This is transcendence.” 




To recap, the coming months carry change and transformation – Pluto has settled into Aquarius, the North Node shifts from Aries to Pisces in January (South node from Libra to Virgo), Neptune into Aries in March, Saturn into Aries in May, Jupiter into Cancer by June, Uranus into Gemini in July…. The Venus Retrograde Morning Star Point is crowned at 2º Aries in March – just days after the Spring Equinox and Mercury offers us 3 retrograde cycles in the Fire Signs. As we broach the 2026 Great Conjunction we continue to seed these times with a Vision of Hope, of Courageous Radiance and of Merging Oneness. 

Blessings and Love to you. 

Thank you


To watch the recording please login here or register here

To learn more about understanding The Language of Energy join my 3 month Astrology Foundation course (registration closes on 8th January)

To join the 18 month lucid dreaming monthly practice for the Saturn Neptune conjunction register here (commencing 28th January) Awaken the Dreamer! The Time is NOW! 





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