Aequus Nox Dancer

Posted on: September 22, 2024

Beautiful Autumn Equinox Blessings and Love  and Welcome to Libra Season  🙌 ♎️☀️🍂

The Sun moves to 0° ♎︎ Libra at  13:43 pm (BST) Sunday 22nd Sept 2024

Looking forward to seeing many of you at ceremony this evening to celebrate 🤎

0° Libra Equinox- Equal Night (Latin: Aequus Nox) the mid point between Summer and Winter Solstice.

A time to reflect back over the Summer’s Peak and prepare for the Winter’s Depth.


🍂 The Second of the three Harvest Festivals in the Celtic Wheel of the Year. A time of mental preparation and sharing resources with loved ones and kin. Similar to the feeling at Dusk/ sunset and to the Last Quarter Moon – a time of appreciation for all that has birthed, culminated and is now drawing to an end. This solar cycle is reorienting the mind with reflective beauty and gratitude to support the revision of thoughts that guide future actions.



♎️ Libra – Out Breath, Projected Mind, Beautiful Perception, Initiating Discussion, Setting a Tone, Seeking Cooperation, Choices, the Scales of Justice, Harmonic Relations, the Voice (equally the energy behind the spoke word), Intention and Prayer.

In the Northern Hemisphere, Libra symbolically acts as the guardian of the Dark Half of the Year. Weighing our consciousness as we cross the threshold into the depth of the Yin world.


May we be reminded by the protectors of this initiation – that truth, trust and resonance are the balancing requirements of our consciousness in navigating the path inward for the winter to come. The Mind and Heart seek an alliance to go forward.

It is the Heart (♀) that rules but the mind is depended on to voice this essence and guard with sincerity, to sound the vibration in clear projection that fortifies attraction and manifestation of the Hearts Call ♎︎


Misalignment, between head and heart can form a din or cacophony that causes the Energy to diminish, to be veiled, which can manifest a projection of choices for one to learn through. Relationship.

If trapped neglected parts of the Self/Heart manifest in other people/situations (mirrors) you have a choice how to react to and face them.

Integrity and love offers a path to re harmonise.

How are you resonating and cooperating with this life you are projecting – through your thoughts, voice and choices?

Even between self and other – tending to another’s whims at the detriment to your own, or even objectifying another to only one way with no regard for another causes misalignment.


When resonant and harmonic relations ensue firstly within, and additionally with others, there is no denying the synchronicity that ripples around attracting abundance with grace.

Resonance manifests the most incredible symphony for life to dance to.


“You are the dance, life is the dancer.” – Eckhart Tolle

Watch as the elegant dancer moves through you, swaying to the currents of emotions you harbour, twisting and turning with the chatters of the mind, displaying finesse and flare as she elevates with your frequency. Grace exudes her when your heart is illuminated with honour and your voice sings the melody charming the dancer with harmony.


As life moves through you this Equinox, be reminded to balance your perception of life, and the tone you set, honouring the melody you are.


Refine your understanding of the music (energy) within and around you, are they harmonic? For this is what shapes the beautiful expression you project out into the symphony and cacophony in our world.



Remain harmonic with your heart’s call despite the noise that can attempt to govern and mislead, not for nefarious means but merely due to discord and detachment with the heart-mind purpose of consciousness.

Love and Peace


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