Winter Solstice
Posted on: December 17, 2024
21:12 Winter Solstice
The Sun moves into 0º Cardinal Earth, Capricorn in the morning of the 21st December, marking the triumph of the Light / Sun. The Sun (Son) Reborn from the depth of the Dark Womb Time, with the Cailleach (wise crone) since Samhain.
This sacred festival celebrates the moment our Sun stands still and becomes brighter leading us out of the rest of winter and on through the year. For three days the Sun appears not to change, the days are short and the nights long and dark, but following these three days the Sun gradually regains strength and the days become longer until it peaks with the Light at Summer Solstice.
Symbolically we can use this time to mark the emergence of our womb wisdom (where we allow for total death and rebirth) and the Gem of our Spirit Desires becoming manifest and incarnate into a new year/ a new way of being.
Crystos – Crystalline Being. Anchoring the Crystalline energies into the body. While the Earth tilts farthest away from the Sun we can Renew our Life Intentions. A wonderful time to review personal traits that are not becoming of us, nor serving our greater purpose, perhaps habits and immature responses that you desire to upgrade. Take the opportunity of Winter Solstice to authentically transform and make plans and take action to bring your Radiance into Form – Bring Joy, Love and Light into your Life!
“As the Sun Stands Still, I choose to renew my Light; I truly honour my …. (personality trait) and take on the lessons this has taught me, now I commit to transforming and upgrading my Manifested Expression of Being that elevates my Life, and offers strength, compassion and support to myself and all others I co-create with and with whomever shall cross my path. As the Sun Triumphs, I tend to my Light, my Spirit and take action to be mindful of what I choose to evolve into. I am a Radiant Being of Light, that influences my world and my world resonates this back to me. I carry this intention with me as my Compass Guiding me on my Path. And it is so. Thank you.”
Cardinal Earth: The Mountain, The Rising Earth, The Light Leading the way from the Cavern : New Grange
The Zodiac: The Sea Goat
Traits: Truth, Authenticity, Wisdom, Learned from Lessons, Direction, Growth, Ambition, Pragmatic, Serious, Committed.
Archetypes: The Sage, The Crone, The Wise One, The Elder, the Grandparent, Wise and Stern but Loving beyond measure.
Ruled by Saturn, the planet that limits, contains our reality, the last planet we can see with the naked eye, the realm of reality, governing age, maturity, death, work, challenges, the laws of physics…
Winter Solstice is a well told story from across time and culture. A story of Light Winning, being brought from the “Gods” or Heavens back to Earth, into a physical form for prosperity out of the Darkness (of Winter) of Unconsciousness.
Characters that are often associated with this time of Light being Born: In Egypt, Isis birthed Horus. Leto birthed Apollo in Greek Mythology. Amaterasu, the Japanese goddess and bringer of Light came at this time. And in Persia, Mithras was celebrated as being born from the Darkness of Winter, from the Cosmic Mother of Darkness. This festival is well known as today’s Christmas – from the biblical reference Jesus was born in the stable between the Horse (Sagittarius) and the Goat (Capricorn), heralding the birth of the Son of Light….
Blessing and Love

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Awake the Dreamer, an 18 month Lucid Dreaming capsule, Learn about lucid dreaming techniques and receive monthly dreaming prompts and tips form Danielle. Delivered via WhatsApp group – interaction encouraged but not required. Each month Danielle offers Astrological Insight to support dreaming, and for 2 nights a month you receive distance healing and astral connection to elevate your own healing and to offer amplified collective healing. Commencing 29th January 2026
Astrology Preview 2025 with Danielle: 6pm 5th Jan 2025. Webinar (ONLINE) or in person gathering for the presentation. All who sign up receive the recording and the PDF with all the dates for the Retrogrades, Wheel of the Year, Lunation and Solar Seasons, as well as other tips for aligning with the energy in the Year of the Snake.