? ❖ Samhain ❖ ?

Posted on: October 25, 2020

Please check out my online Webinar and Guided Meditation for Samhain 2020

Free to access, suggested donation greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Baby no.2 is due on 5th Nov so this class has been pre-recorded. Enjoy!

Samhain (pronounced: SAH-win or SOW-in (as in sow a female pig)), which is both the end and the beginning of the Celtic year in the Wheel of the Year celebrations. It is globally renowned through many ancient traditions as a time when the veils thin and we can connect with our ancestors and the unseen realm to ask for help and guidance.

Please enjoy these links to connect you to other videos and posts I have done on my favourite time of year Samhain:

IGtv video briefly explaining Samhain

Samhain Class (slides) & Guided Meditation (and ritual/ceremony prompts)


It’s a time to reflect wisely over the past year’s β€˜harvest’ or happenings, offer gratitude to the blessings that came to you and to light a candle/lantern to the ancestors that came before you to give you life. A time to let go and set free the chaos and burdens that hold you back, to chase out the β€˜demons’ that plague you.


It is also the celebration of the new year, a time to set intentions for manifestation in the year to come- and what a special year we have ahead of us! We are on the cusp on a new dawn, so many waking up to their Light, their potential! Such an exciting time, looking forward to sharing more with you! Time to trust, to surrender, to irrevocably change! Be the change for the better!!

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